Chapter 4 : Section 12
Respite Care for Children in Out-of-Home Care
Within the constraints of available resources, the Department shall provide temporary, short-term respite care for licensed foster families and for unlicensed out-of-home caregivers:
to provide relief to the caregiver, or to assist the family in coping with the daily demands of providing care to children with significant needs;
to provide care during a family crisis, such as illness or death;
to provide care when the caregivers are away from home and the child cannot accompany the caregivers due to school, parental visits, case plan requirements; or
to enable the caregivers to participate in Department approved/sponsored training when child care services are unavailable or unworkable.
For licensed foster families
Refer the foster family to their licensing agency to request respite care.
Ensure the licensing agency is utilizing the portal to obtain respite care. Placement Administration will approve or deny any respite care requested.
Continue the approved foster care rate while the child is with the respite provider.
Be aware that a licensed foster family receiving foster care reimbursement is eligible for a minimum of 300 hours or 12.5 days of respite care with a licensed foster parent, per fiscal year, provided through the licensed resource family's DCS contracted foster home agency.
For kinship caregivers and unlicensed providers
Complete a New Service Request for respite in Guardian. Placement Administration will arrange for and approve respite care with a licensed foster parent through a referral to a contracted foster home licensing agency; and may approve up to 300 hours or 12.5 days of respite foster care per fiscal year.
Do not count against the maximum allowable hours respite care provided:
when extraordinary documented needs of a child prevents the caregivers from temporarily caring for the other foster children in the home;
when the caregivers are away and the child cannot accompany them due to school or case plan requirements; or
when the caregivers are participating in training exceeding 24 consecutive hours.
If necessary, obtain approval from the Program Administrator or designee for up to five days additional respite care in emergency situations.
When respite care is not available, foster parents and kinship caregivers may leave a child in the care of another person as outlined in Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard.
Document the purpose and approval of respite care not counted against the allowable hours of a licensed foster family using Notes.

A.R.S. ยง 8-514.03 Kinship foster care; requirements; investigation; report
A.A.C R21-6 et seq. Family Foster Parent Licensing Requirements